Hey! We're finally joining the rest of the world! Quick update, Kevin is working at the Albertsons Pharmacy still and I, Jen, am out at the airport. We're really blessed and we're really happy. We've been doing lots of work on the house we live in, and we have lots of little tenants living with us. Ya know, the eight legged, creepy kind. We're having them professionally evicted soon because I can't walk into a room without tip-toeing around scaning for intruders. Anyways, we're starting a business on the side of our already full-time jobs. We're starting a web design business! Kevin is a genius in front of the keyboard. Kevin is to computers as poets are to paper. And both garner the same amount of popularity. Its just as hard for me to watch Kevin code as it is to listen to teenage poetry...but at least the poems have words I recognize. ;) (He made me write that)
I digress. We're not in school this semester, however, we're doing lots of personal study in lots of areas and we're loving it! We're also learning some new languages. I'm learning Japanese and Kevin is learning Java, PHP, CSS, Mysql, and Japanese with me. Well, ok, the first real post is over. We'll try to keep this updated. We'll post some fun pics and vids later.
Rescuing The One
15 years ago
That was fun last night, loved the movie.
Is kevin going to make me pay him to do my class website??? I'll pay, but I want the family discount--since it's a side BUSINESS and not merely a hobby anymore.
Hey Kev,
Sounds like you have a good thing going for you. Hope you have agood day!
Good for you guys to join the blogging world. I think that you will really like it! I have found that it is easy to keep in touch with or families that are so far away this way.
Can't wait for the pixs and videos. I've been waiting for you guys to get one for forever! Now we can be blogging buddies. I've been wondering what's been going on w/ you guys since we really don't talk about life goals/work ect on the penta page. Sounds like you guys are incredibly busy and enjoying life. I feel your pain though on watching your significant other sit at the computer forever and code and code and code and then some. Good for you on starting the web design business. Kevin would be awesome with that. Anyway, our blog is jackieandtyler.blogspot.com Check it out sometime when you're bored and all (like when Kevin's coding)
Hello, I'm Kevin's cousin Janelle. I enjoyed your post. I'm glad y'all have a blog now.
Hello Muttigans! I love blogging!
HEY! Welcome welcome to the life of bloggers. It will be fun keeping a little more updated with you guys. Hope you're doing well... and I hope you can get rid of some of your tenants. :S We had that problem when we lived in Price too.
I found something about Kevin's name:
Top 5 Facts for this Name:
36% of the letters are vowels. Of one million first and last names we looked at, 47.7% have a higher vowel make-up. This means you are averagely envoweled.
In ASCII binary it is... 01001011 01100101 01110110 01101001 01101110 00100000 01001010 01100101 01101110 01110011 01100101 01101110
Backwards, it is Nivek Nesnej... nice ring to it, huh?
In Pig Latin, it is Evinkay Ensenjay.
People with this first name are probably: Male. So, there's a 98% likelihood you sweat just thinking of the price of shaver blades.
Like these 5 facts? Share them!
Name Origin and Meaning:
Origin: Irish
Meaning: Handsome
3 Things You Didn't Know:
Your personal power animal is the Cynomolgus Monkey
Your 'Numerology' number is 2. If it wasn't bulls**t, it would mean that you are supportive, diplomatic, analytical, and play well with others. A team-player, you seek peace and harmony in a group.
According to the US Census Bureau°, 0.673% of US residents have the first name 'Kevin' and 0.0464% have the surname 'Jensen'. The US has around 300 million residents, so we guesstimate there are 937 Americans who go by the name 'Kevin Jensen'.
Top 5 Facts for this Name: Jennifer Jensen
1. 36% of the letters are vowels. Of one million first and last names we looked at, 47.7% have a higher vowel make-up. This means you are averagely envoweled.
2. In ASCII binary it is... 01001010 01100101 01101110 01101110 01101001 01100110 01100101 01110010 00100000 01001010 01100101 01101110 01110011 01100101 01101110
3. Backwards, it is Refinnej Nesnej... nice ring to it, huh?
4. In Pig Latin, it is Enniferjay Ensenjay.
5. People with this first name are probably: Female. So, you are constantly overcharged for beauty products.
Name Origin and Meaning:
Origin: Welsh
Meaning: White Wave
3 Things You Didn't Know:
1. Your personal power animal is the Hippopotamus
2. Your 'Numerology' number is 4. If it wasn't bulls**t, it would mean that you are practical, tenacious, traditional, and serious. You are well organised and have a strong work ethic.
3. According to the US Census Bureau°, 0.932% of US residents have the first name 'Jennifer' and 0.0464% have the surname 'Jensen'. The US has around 300 million residents, so we guesstimate there are 1,297 Americans who go by the name 'Jennifer Jensen'.
I thought you two were going to start blogging! I know you don't have a lot of spare time but you can't possibly be THAT busy. Anyway, I accidently clicked on your link and saw that others were leaving random messages that you probably aren't reading either so I thought I'd put in my two cents.
See you on Sunday!
You're right... We have not been checking out blog much. Thanks for the comments though!
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